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Melina Krumova


My first piece of advice would be to always believe in your gifts and to not let anybody tell you who you can and can't be.


Study hard and work diligently, ask for help from other musicians around you, and don't take constructive criticism personally. Instead see it as an opportunity to grow.


However, you get to decide which direction you want to reach your branches in, always. Listen to others' opinions, yet form your own using your own intuition and judgement.


Lastly, if you haven't already, learn how to breathe from your diaphragm. Once I learned how to breathe properly, I stopped straining my vocal chords and di cult lines became easier, it's definitely an essential for the aspiring singer!




1. Be yourself.

2. Say yes to opportunities before you say no.

3. Keep creating.

4. Don’t be shy.

5. Don’t waste time building businesses that are not yours.



Network, network, network! Who you know is so important. Don’t compare yourself to others, everyone is on their own journey and comparing the start of yours to someone else who is 5 years in is pointless and can be so damaging.


Hone your writing skills and  nd others to co-write with. There are some great, educational music seminars out there which cover the business side of the industry and are also great for networking and  nding others to write with, so look for any near you and invest in yourself and your education.


Lastly, believe in yourself and become your biggest cheerleader! Determination and motivation is so important, never give up and keep yourself in the game - You Got This!

Shay D


1. Be genuine in your expression. Make the music which resonates with your current emotional state


2. Learn from others and experiment, explore new musical paths


3. Ask for as much feedback as you can from other musicians, especially when it comes down to details and production.


4. Be creative in your promotion and don’t rely on a method only because it worked 20 years ago. Embrace change.




Savinien: I would say that first, you need to be sincere with what you do, you got to enjoy it even if sometimes compromises can intervene. Music is first of all, all about sharing so you need to keep your feet on the ground and enjoy everything at 200%. Besides, you need to listen to a lot of different kinds of music so you can try new things you would have never thought about before, it might be where you get the majority of your inspiration.


Aviran: I will answer to it according to my own experience : YOU CAN DO IT! I'm a big dreamer and I always choose to create whatever I want, whenever I want. Sometimes, and especially when we started, it might be just a complete mess but after all, we need to make horrible mistakes before creating something great and “listenable”, it's part of the process but we should not get discouraged by this period which can be really difficult sometimes.

Never give up, keep trying and most importantly, PRACTICE as much as you can.


A few DJs (David Jay, Creamcracker / The bakery,...) give courses, register yourself and go for it.


I also encourage more girls to do it!


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